National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School
— NKUA —
The Laboratory of Biology (Athens Medical School, NKUA) was founded in 2002 aiming to train undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of cellular and molecular biology as well as in the conduction of high quality biomedical research. Our research activities are mainly focused in investigating the basic molecular mechanisms and genetic factors that govern physiological and pathological pathways. The laboratory of biology is working on the interdisciplinary character of modern research through the collaboration of science outside the traditional frontiers of Biology and Medicine including Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics.
Role within KATY
NKUA is mainly involved in WPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8. Also, NKUA will provide patient samples (FFPE, blood and fresh tissue) and data.
Main contacts

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School
Michalakopoulou 17611527, Athens