University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
University of Rome "Tor Vergata" is the second oldest public university in Rome, and among the largest in Italy. It was established in 1982. The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” is in the world’s top 50 universities established within the last 50 years, and it was ranked 320th out of 2500 places in the World University Rankings 2013/14. Its campus stretches on an area of 600 hectares, which encompasses outstanding research institutions including CNR and ASI (the Italian Space Agency). The new International Centre for Fundamental and Applied Physics – the Nicola Cabibbo Laboratory – promoted by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" with a view to building the Super B accelerator, will also be included in the University compound. Thanks also to important research centres that operate in the University’s area, such as ENEA, ESA - ESRIN, the National Institute for Astrophysics, and the Monte Porzio Catone Observatory, "Tor Vergata" is one of the most dynamic universities and scientific centres in Italy. The University of Rome "Tor Vergata" has considerable experience in European Research Projects’ Management and development. Currently, it participates in around 150 international research projects, many of which are coordinated by the University itself, such as ERCs, RIAs, MSCAs, CSAs and many more.
Role within KATY
The University will participate with three centres:
- CLaK (Centre for Language and Knowledge) is a centre of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa (DII, Department of Enterprise Engineering) that inherits and formalizes the activity of the research group in Artificial Intelligence, the ART group. This centre has the role of managing the KATY project and providing scientific and financial reports to the EC, designing and implementing the Distributed Knowledge Graph (WP4) and designing and implementing the eXplainable Artificial Intelligence Processors (WP5).
- CIMETA, Interdepartmental Centre of Comparative Medicine, Alternative Techniques and Aquaculture provides opportunities for experimentation on cellular and animal models for biomedical research. This centre has the role of validating the KATY platform in collaboration with CEA and PG by in vivo models (WP6).
- The PTV Policlinico Tor Vergata hospital. The hospital is located next to the Faculty of Medicine of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” together with the PTV have a team of over 2,000, from physicians to biologists and technologists devoted to the study of epidemiological, clinical and experimental aspects of human diseases. This hospital has the role of collecting clinical data (WP4) and samples (WP6).
Main contacts

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Via Cracovia 5000133 Rome