University of Zaragoza
The University of Zaragoza is the main centre of technological innovation in the Ebro Valley. Founded in 1542, it is one of the oldest universities in Spain. It is located in the city of Zaragoza, in the Aragon region of Spain. The Complex Systems and Networks Lab (COSNET) of the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), one of the research institutes associated with the University, is the research unit contributing to this project. The COSNET research unit has an extensive range of scientific expertise in statistical physics, physics of complex systems, and computational physics, being a leading group in topics such as the structure and dynamics of networks and the application of statistical physics to social systems and human behaviour, as well as modeling disease and information spread. Furthermore, it constitutes a reference group for areas related to this project such as the structure and dynamics of complex networks and their applications to real-world problems, multilayer networks, data-driven models and systems biology.
Role within KATY
The contribution of UNIZAR will mainly be in WP5 through tasks 5.3 to 5.5, in which we will apply our expertise in network and systems biology to predict cellular and network perturbations from transcriptomic data and in the integration of network methodology with AI techniques. We will also be involved in WP4 (tasks 4.3 and 4.5) and in the general WPs 1 and 8.
Main contacts

University of Zaragoza
Institute BIFIEdificio I+D
Campus Rio Ebro
c/ Mariano Esquillor s/n.
50018 Zaragoza