European Research and Project Office GmbH
Founded in 2000, EURICE - European Research and Project Office GmbH - provides comprehensive support services for the planning, initiation, and implementation of large international collaborative research projects. EURICE has been involved in EU-Framework Programmes since FP4 and has been supporting researchers in more than 250 EU funded projects including 50 Horizon 2020 projects to date. Today, Eurice is among Germany’s largest project management offices, with a dedicated team of more than 40 staff members with different professional and scientific expertise, such as law, social sciences, medicine, biology, chemistry, communications, or computer sciences.
In addition to classical project management, Eurice helps to develop and implement coherent IP strategies and supports consortia through dissemination, networking, training, and capacity building activities. Thus, Eurice accompanies researchers and innovative companies through the entire life cycle of a project – from the first idea to successful project completion – and beyond.
Role within KATY
Project management, communication, dissemination and exploitation: Eurice will support the coordinator in all aspects of project management, including administrative, legal and financial matters, project monitoring, progress management and decision making. Eurice will facilitate the project workflow in general, stimulate interaction between the different project management bodies, and, together with the coordinator, assume the role of a liaison between the project consortium and the EC. Together with all partners, Eurice will ensure coherent external communication of the project and its results towards relevant target groups. In addition, Eurice will support all partners in networking activities and in questions concerning stakeholder and media relations throughout the project.
Main contacts

European Research and Project Office GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Allee 166386 St. Ingbert