Fundació Eurecat
— EUT —
Eurecat is the result of the merging process of the most important Technology Centres in Catalonia, a process which started in 2015 and is still ongoing which counts already with the sum of capacities of eight Centres and its multiplying effects. Eurecat is currently the leading Technology Centre in Catalonia, and the second largest private research organization in Southern Europe. Eurecat manages a turnover of 50M€ and 650 professionals, is involved in more than 200 R&D projects and has a customer portfolio of over 1,600 business clients. Eurecat is currently participating in more than 60 EU funded collaborative projects, mainly in the Horizon 2020 Programme. In addition to this wide experience at European level, Eurecat is also a strong player in the various R&D programmes sponsored by the Spanish and Catalan administrations. Technology transfer is also an essential activity in Eurecat, with 36 international patents and 7 technology-based companies (eight in Spain and one in Latin America) started-up from the centre. Eurecat R&D, innovation and training activities span from Industrial Technologies (metallic, plastic and composite materials, manufacturing processes, autonomous and professional robotics, functional printing and fabrics, simulations, sustainability and Chemistry) to Digital Technologies (Digital Humanities, Big Data Analytics, IT and OT Security, Smart Management Systems, e-health, data mining and multimedia technologies), Sustainability (Water, Air, Soil, Waste, Energy, Batteries and Environmental Impact) and Biotech (Omic science and Nutrition & health). Additionally, EURECAT has been accepted by the European Commission as a KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) Technology Centre in order to collaborate with SMEs on close-to-market research and innovation activities. From a corporate perspective, Eurecat is a member and participates in many national and international initiatives and associations. Below those to be highlighted for the project:
- Member of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations (EARTO). EARTO promotes and defends the interests of RTOs in Europe by reinforcing their profile and position as a key player in the minds of EU decision-makers and by seeking to ensure that European R&D and innovation programmes are best attuned to their interests.
- Member of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO).
- Member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), and through Eurecat’s Barcelona Big Data Centre of Excellence, is one of the 10 BDVA’s current innovation spaces (i-spaces) in Europe.
Role within KATY
Eurecat is involved in Work Package 2 for requirement definition where we are going to interact with the other medical partners in the Project to gather the requirements for the platform and UI screens. Moreover, we are going to lead the security and privacy requirements definition needed to have a secure platform. Eurecat is also involved in Work Package 3 for the architecture design and development of the secure platform. We are going to work on the data privacy protection, user identity verification and authentication, sensitive and critical data protection, etc. On the other hand, we will validate that the defined security and privacy requirements have been considered during the design and development of the platform, and we will correct any possible detected weaknesses. In Work Package 4, Eurecat is involved in the deployment of the knowledge graph and exposing it as an open reusable data source for the project. Finally, in Work Package 7, Eurecat is involved in defining the requirements of the internal flow of personal data.
Main contacts

Fundació Eurecat
Carrer Bilbao 72A Building
08005 Barcelona